Progress! :D

Posted in .Matrixx, Air Supply, App, App Store, Attack of the Kraken, dot matrix, FREE, Games, gravitrixmas, Gravitrixx, iPad, iphone, ipod, Mac, News on December 15th, 2011 by quantumsheep

Hello everyone!

While I wait for early access to Star Wars: The Old Republic, I thought i’d do some work πŸ˜‰

So what have I been up to!???

Well, with any luck, Gravitrixx for Mac will be out on the Mac Appstore tomorrow! (Friday December 15th). Fingers crossed, eh?

DotMatrixx should be available for Mac too at some point, if it passes Apple’s approval process of course! It’s been re-submitted, so now I’m just waiting to see what happens!

On a related note, A Merry Gravitrixmas is available for iPhone for free! It’s a Xmas themed version of Gravitrixx, and will only be available during the holidays! I hope you like it!

I’ve also submitted an update to Sunshine with hopefully some minor bugs squashed and an extra hat for the holidays! Yay! πŸ˜€

Look for that *hopefully* next week!

Finally, work still continues on getting Air Supply and Attack of the Kraken on the Mac, as well as possibly iPad. Look for those in the new year.

I’m hoping that next year will see Quantum Sheep games on the Kindle Fire, and maybe some other android based tablets/phones. We’ll see!

And, of course, there are new games in the works. Namely Air Supply – SOS and an adventure game of some sort!


So, that’s it for now. I’ll post some more updates as stuff becomes available!

Thanks for reading!

QS πŸ˜€

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A birthday :D

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, Games, iphone, ipod, News on September 8th, 2011 by quantumsheep

Hello everyone!

While getting together a lot of horrible accounts/tax stuff I realised that Quantum Sheep, as a fully fledged company, turned two this week.


It’s been a very difficult two years if I’m honest, and one thing has become clear:

If I didn’t love doing this, I’d have given up a long, long time ago.

So, apologies. You’re stuck with me for now! πŸ˜€

I’ve learnt a huge amount in those two years. Most importantly, I’m *still* learning. And having a blast. So all is good!

What’s next? Well, I’m hoping to officially announce ‘ProjectSOL’ this month – and maybe have it out by the end of September / start of October.

Then it’s all hands on deck for Air Supply: SOS, hopefully out before the end of the year. It’s an iPad/Mac game, but I’m seriously thinking of making an iPhone version too. I’ll see how the game handles on a smaller screen and make a judgement call once I get back into it.

Next year will hopefully see Air Supply 2 come out (I’m hoping for a March launch – a year after the original Air Supply came out. It’ll be a pretty huge undertaking. I don’t know if I can do it, but I’ll give it a good go!

But enough about me! I’d just like to thank everyone that has helped me out over the last two years, be it someone that’s done art for me, music, code help or just advice/support. Far too many to mention, but every little helps, and it’s always hugely appreciated! Cheers!

Secondly, I’d like to thank anyone that’s tried one of my games out. I’m grateful that you gave me a chance, and I really hope you enjoyed your game! Thanks! πŸ˜€

So – looking forward to the 3rd birthday already! Wonder what will happen in a year…

QS πŸ˜€

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Air Supply Screenshots!

Posted in Air Supply, App, App Store, Apple, art, Games, iphone, ipod, Level, News, retro, sci-fi, screenshots, shmup, Shooter, space, stars on February 27th, 2011 by quantumsheep

Hey all!

We’re happy to say that the response from the video to Air Supply has been very positive!

Yay! Thank you!

We’d just like to post some pics here, and give you a ‘static’ look at what the game’s about!

Enjoy! πŸ˜€

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A Merry Gravitrixmas! – Now available on the app store!

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, Games, iphone, ipod, puzzle, video, Xmas, youtube on December 13th, 2010 by quantumsheep

Hello everyone!

I just noticed it’s nearly Christmas!

Luckily, we have a Christmas game coming out tomorrow, Monday 13th December!

Link here:Β

It’s the festive version of Gravitrixx, titled ‘A Merry Gravitrixmas’

There are just over 60 levels to the game, which includes ‘remixed’ versions of levels found in Gravitrixx, along with a healthy dose of brand new levels.

It’s aimed at the Xmas/Kids/Casual market, so there’s an improved tutorial, tilt controls as standard (though Gravitrixx players that liked the buttons can switch to that control method), some awesome Christmassy tunes from Kevin Mcleod and fabulously festive graphics from Ian at Debug Design!

Here’s a video for you!:

Here’s a link to the original Gravitrixx:

Cheers everyone – we’ve had an eventful and fun filled year! Β We’ll see you all on the other side, though we’re still waiting on a Gravitrixx update and Gravitrixx Lite to go through!

Hope you all haveΒ A Merry Gravitrixmas!

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Gravitrixmas out on Monday!

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, iphone, ipod, News, puzzle, screenshots, Xmas on December 12th, 2010 by quantumsheep

Hello all!

Just a quick post to let you know the Xmas version of Gravitrixx – “Gravitrixmas” – will be out on Monday!

Yay! πŸ˜€

Guide Santa in his quest to eat more candy! Boy, is he hungry!

There are 60 levels in total for just $.99, with many remixed from the original, as well as completely new levels!

Tilt controls come as standard on this version, and the game is aimed more at the kids/Xmas market, but will still be a challenge for seasoned Gravitrixx players!

We’ll have a video for you by Monday – launch day! In the meantime, here’s a screenshot!

Hope you like it – more info soon!

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Attack of the Kraken – LITE – OUT NOW :D

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, Attack of the Kraken, Games, iphone, ipod, News, retro, sci-fi, science, screenshots, shmup, Shooter, space, stars, youtube on August 20th, 2010 by quantumsheep

Hey everyone!

The Lite version of Attack of the Kraken is out today! Hurrah!

It’s already sitting pretty on the app store, completely free and can be found here.

Don’t forget our launch video!

Attack of the Kraken – iPhone launch

The full game can still be found here.

Check out our game page for details! πŸ˜€

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"RELEASE THE KRAKEN" – Attack of the Kraken now available!

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, Attack of the Kraken, Games, iphone, ipod, Mobile, News, retro, sci-fi, science, screenshots, shmup, Shooter, space, stars on August 12th, 2010 by quantumsheep

Hello everyone!

Finally, it’s here! Attack of the Kraken is now available on an app store near you!

You can buy it by following this link here:

It’s all VERY exciting! I hope you enjoy it! πŸ˜€

You can find out more about Attack of the Kraken by following the iTunes link above, or by checking out its game page here.

Thanks everyone – especially if you’re in Hong Kong. People there seem to love it!


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Attack of the Kraken – submitted to the App store!

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, art, Attack of the Kraken, Games, iphone, ipod, News, retro, sci-fi, screenshots, shmup, Shooter, space, video, youtube on August 8th, 2010 by quantumsheep


We (ok, ‘I’m’) happy to announce that Attack of the Kraken has been submitted to the app store!

Woohoo! πŸ˜€

We’re very proud of the game, and hope you enjoy it!

Here’s the official youtube launch trailer!

Look out for Attack of the Kraken on the app store very, very soon! In the meantime, check out our game page here for more details πŸ˜€

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The art of a new logo…

Posted in art, Games, iphone, ipod, News, screenshots on March 28th, 2010 by quantumsheep

Our lovely arty friend Dan made us a new logo. We love it!

It’ll appear at the start of all our new games. Watch out for those soon!

Additionally, we’re hoping to collaborate with Dan on a few projects. Exciting stuff! The guy is an art genius πŸ™‚

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