A birthday :D
Hello everyone!
While getting together a lot of horrible accounts/tax stuff I realised that Quantum Sheep, as a fully fledged company, turned two this week.
It’s been a very difficult two years if I’m honest, and one thing has become clear:
If I didn’t love doing this, I’d have given up a long, long time ago.
So, apologies. You’re stuck with me for now! 😀
I’ve learnt a huge amount in those two years. Most importantly, I’m *still* learning. And having a blast. So all is good!
What’s next? Well, I’m hoping to officially announce ‘ProjectSOL’ this month – and maybe have it out by the end of September / start of October.
Then it’s all hands on deck for Air Supply: SOS, hopefully out before the end of the year. It’s an iPad/Mac game, but I’m seriously thinking of making an iPhone version too. I’ll see how the game handles on a smaller screen and make a judgement call once I get back into it.
Next year will hopefully see Air Supply 2 come out (I’m hoping for a March launch – a year after the original Air Supply came out. It’ll be a pretty huge undertaking. I don’t know if I can do it, but I’ll give it a good go!
But enough about me! I’d just like to thank everyone that has helped me out over the last two years, be it someone that’s done art for me, music, code help or just advice/support. Far too many to mention, but every little helps, and it’s always hugely appreciated! Cheers!
Secondly, I’d like to thank anyone that’s tried one of my games out. I’m grateful that you gave me a chance, and I really hope you enjoyed your game! Thanks! 😀
So – looking forward to the 3rd birthday already! Wonder what will happen in a year…
QS 😀
Tags: App, App Store, Apple, iPad, iphone, ipod, quantum, Quantum Sheep, weird