Well, it’s been a while!
Hello everyone, hope you’re well!
Haven’t had much to report of late – still working on ProjectSOL, which will hopefully get an official name very soon as the aim is to get it done this month!
It’s a game I made for my mother, believe it or not! I won’t mention her age here (she’d kill me I think!) but I see her struggling with some of my faster paced games, and wanted to make something she’d enjoy.
As it turns out, those that have seen it have said ‘Oh, it’s a kids game then?’.
Well. Yes and no!
Yes, it has a very lovely look that’s kid friendly. Sort of. I think it looks lovely, and I hope the charm of the graphics will win over even the most hardened of hearts! 😉
The aim is to have fun, obviously, but also to pack an emotional punch at the end. We’ll find out soon enough how successful I am in doing that!
Oh, and it has hats! What’s not to love!
After that, it’s back onto Air Supply – SOS. I’m very excited about this one, especially as I just booted it up on my iPad and spent/wasted the next two hours playing it! The sign of a good game in anyone’s book I think! 😀
So, a busy few months to the end of the year. And I’m already looking forward to March *next* year. Air Supply 2, people. Air Supply 2.
I’m off out for drinks! Have a glorious weekend everyone!
QS 😀
Tags: Air Supply, App, App Store, Fun, Games, iPad, iphone, ipod, Quantum Sheep