Air Supply SOS (Save Our Sheep)

Posted in Adventure, Air Supply, App, App Store, Apple, art, iPad, iphone, ipod, Mac, Mobile, Music, retro, sci-fi, screenshots, shmup, Shooter, space, stars, video, youtube on September 5th, 2014 by quantumsheep

Now Available on the App Store – iOS Universal 😀

Please Vote to get it on Steam 🙂

*The Mothersheep needs your help!*

Reviews around the internet thingy:

Touch Arcade – 4.5/5

ArcadeLife – 91/100

Pocketgamer – 4/5

148apps – 4.5/5

iphonelife – 4.5/5

The Time Travel Clothing Company is stealing wool from kidnapped Quantum Sheep! The Mothersheep is sending out an SOS to any hero willing to undertake the challenge – ’Save Our Sheep’!

Fly around with your jetpack rescuing sheep and putting them in your rocket! Aliens, UFOs, Bosses and a multitude of other hazards are out to stop you and don’t forget to keep an eye on your dwindling Air Supply!

* 10 monochrome colours (red, white, blue etc) plus new ‘Living Colour’ mode.
* Over 20 awesome characters to unlock!
* 10 Planets to play through – 100 levels in total!
* 11 amazing retro music tracks by Yerzmyey – all made on actual ZX Spectrums
* 16 perks – choose two to take into battle, including rocket, shield and air supply enhancements!
* Rescue sheep to unlock special perks!
* Collect stars, air and kills to unlock characters, music and colours!
* Battle big UFOs and huge bosses!
*Over 40 different alien enemies!
* Bonus Space stages – fly your spaceship against UFOs and asteroids
* Multiple options to customise the look and feel of the game! Over 11 million combinations!
* Inspired by the classic retro game ‘Jetpac’ on the ZX Spectrum!
* Wonderfully bereft of IAP or adverts!

Tested on iPhone 4 and above, as well as the original iPad and above. Will work on iPod Touches 5 and above.





wellthatsnew trouble

bosscol bosstest 2

boss1 Menu



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Hello all!

Posted in Air Supply, App Store, Apple, art, Games, iPad, iphone, ipod, Mac, Mobile, Music, News, sci-fi, screenshots, shmup, Shooter, space, stars, twitter, video on March 18th, 2014 by quantumsheep

Hello! Hope you’re all good!


Life and game development has meant I haven’t been able to post here in a while, though you can keep up with me on Twitter if you like! I’m on there daily!


Anyway, I’ve been working on the latest Air Supply game – ‘Air Supply – SOS’.


Inspired by the very first game my brother bought for our ZX Spectrum (Jetpac – I got Tranz Am – both are AWESOME), SOS is nearing completion!


You play as Spaceman Sam in a mission from the Mothersheep to rescue her children! You fly around the level using a jet pack, picking up sheep and putting them in your rocketship!

When the rocket’s full, you take off to the next level!

It’s fun, honest! Part of the reason it’s taking so long is that I keep playing it for far too long when testing! 🙂


A few stats:

  • 10 planets await!
  • 100 levels!
  • 10 playable characters!
  • 10 boss characters!
  • 10 music tracks to unlock!
  • 10 colours/ranks to unlock!
  • 12 Perks to unlock
  • Explosions! Space ships! Aliens! Jet packs! Oh my! 😀


I really have to get back to it, but here’s some screenshots!


bosstest 2




And a very short video!



I’m excited to be finishing this with a release set for some time in April! I want to send out an SOS as soon as I can 😉

Sorry again for not posting before. You’d have thought I’d have mastered this ‘time’ thing by now!




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Happy New Year! :D

Posted in Adventure, Air Supply, Games, News, retro, screenshots on January 8th, 2014 by quantumsheep

Hello all, hope you’re well, and welcome to 2014!

I’ve been a bit remiss with updates here, as I’m more quickly able to update people (and chat general rubbish) on Twitter and Facebook – please do consider following me there if you want to be up to date with stuff on a day by day basis!

But hey, you’re HERE now, so, let’s catch up!

Well, at the end of last year I released Air Supply – Infinite – and it’s doing ok! A lot of people seem to genuinely like it, which is lovely! Here are a few reviews from around the web:

Arcadelife Review
148apps review
Toucharcade review

I’d just like to thank everyone that’s tried the game, reviewed it, talked about it and generally been interested in it. A big thank you to the denizens of the toucharcade forums who have been patient, inspiring, and badgering! Warms the heart of my cockles it does! Thank you all! 😀

So what’s new for 2014?

Well, it’s going to be a very busy year for sure.

First up is re-submitting older games to Apple so that they are iOS7 compliant. At the moment, due to the lovely new features in iOS7, older games can be incompatible. I’m on my way to fixing all this, and it has to be done by mid-feb I think – so there IS a time-limit!

There’s also some bug fixes for Infinite that I need to do!

I’m also working on some new games…


1) Air Supply – SOS – IOS, Mac

I’ve been working on this on and off since the original Air Supply came out, so it’s an ‘old’ game but something new for you lot! The delay has been down to a number of factors – lack of art, life, money, stuff. But I’m getting on top of it now.

Here’s a screenshot of my laptop screen, showing me working on some art for it!

This was how I spent last Saturday! Fun! :D

Lots still to do, but I’m happy with progress right now and hope to have it done by March.

So expect it in June 😉


2) Air Supply – Legacy – PC/Mac

A bit of a departure this one, and I’m tentatively working on seeing if I can actually make it, so no idea on when it’ll be done. The basic premise is ‘Air Supply Doom’ 😀

Here’s a v. early mock-up in Unity:

Doom? Air Supply style? :D



3) Air Supply – The Card Game – Real World

And by ‘Card Game’ I mean PHYSICAL card game.

My finished ‘Invisibility’ card game! Or the start of something perhaps… :)

Oh yes!
Some friends and I meet up every month or so to play card/board games (Risk: Legacy is utterly amazing btw). Because we love playing them (and each other’s company!).
And it got me thinking: Could I make an actual card game based on Air Supply?
I don’t know. But I think it’ll be fun trying! I have a bunch of ideas, blank cards and stickers, so I’ll be working on a prototype on and off over the next few months and play testing with my board game friends.

If I get anywhere with it, I may see if I can get funding to get it into your perfectly manicured hands, probably through Kickstarter. Who knows, eh?

That’s a lot of Air Supply. What else is in my head, eh? Jump in and see!


4) Adventure games – iOS/Mac/PC

I love adventure games. Really, really love them. I’m already working on a couple of very small text adventures, and have a variety of other adventure games on the drawing board.
There’s a couple of traditional ones which are scene based – a bit like my friend’s game ‘Mosaika’.

There’s a few things holding me back. Firstly, the art requirements for this kind of game are immense. I’ve been working on that…


This has been in the works for a long long time…

Secondly, the narratives take a long time. I’ve been working on two for over a year now. They have to make sense, be interesting, be vaguely original and compelling, and be well written.
Thirdly, there’s technical limitations, especially if you want them to work on older devices, as well as making sure they run bug-free.
There’s also a very pretentious first person adventure game I have in mind. Oh my!


5) Project IKWIS – IOS

I don’t really want to spill too many beans on this one. It’s an interesting game. It’s got an interesting premise. I just need to make it work. Oh, and art. Lots and lots of art…


6) 3D

As mentioned, Air Supply – Legacy will be 3D. I’m looking more and more into 3D games. Not because I’m tired of 2D (NEVER!) but just because I think you can make some interesting stuff in 3D. Lots of ideas here, across a variety of genres, so who knows?

You can get some lovely looking stuff done in 3D too:

Space is big. Really big…


7) Retro stuff

Retro is what I’m all about, really. I love my simple/lovely graphics, awesome sound, and fun gameplay! Lots of ideas in this area, including a ZX Spectrum game – for the ZX Spectrum!

Hipster? Moi? ;)

Hipster? Moi? ;)


While the Air Supply games cover some of this, there’s always room for more! Should be fun!


So, lots to be getting on with, and probably only a handful will be made this year. Though the ideas span a variety of genres/styles, be assured, they will all be ‘Quantum Sheep’ games throughout.

Because I’m making them. On my own. In a room in London.

Thanks for your support and interest – it really keeps me going! And if you’ve read this far, my GOD you’re awesome! 😀 Thanks!

See you in 2014!


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The game is DONE :D

Posted in Air Supply, App, App Store, Games, iPad, iphone, Mobile, Music, News, retro, sci-fi, video, youtube on November 14th, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hey all, hope you’re well!


Very very tired sheepy here. I am off to bed soon (it’s gone 9am here!), but the good news is the game is done, has been reviewed, and will be out tomorrow (November 15th!)




I’ll keep this short and leave you with a little video I made of the game!


Hope you like it!


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Bugged :(

Posted in Air Supply, App, App Store, Apple, News, opinion, retro, sci-fi on November 1st, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hey all, hope you’re well!


So, it’s November 1st as I look out the window and I’m wondering where my bloody game is!


Oh, you are too? Awesome!


Well, it’s finished. I mean really, honestly finished. The unlocks are in, and I just have to add GameCenter to it and it’s ready to ship to Apple!




Unfortunately, even at this late stage, I’m discovering bugs. Like this one:


Scary, eh? But also friendly! It’s saying ‘Hello’ 😀


So what does this mean?


Well, firstly it means that my game’s very friendly and playful, even when it’s throwing bugs at me! 😀


It also means I’m still testing it, and new bugs are still being found and being fixed!


What this is leading to is a slight delay. I’m not rushing this out full of bugs that’ll need to be fixed and will annoy people. That’s not the plan.


I’d much rather fix it now than after it’s annoyed someone.


Having said all that, the game will be released, and released soon. And despite my best efforts, it will have some bugs in it. All software does!


I’m just trying to minimise them as much as sheepily possible!


Thanks so much for your support and patience – it means the world to me, and I hope to have something fun for you guys to play soon!


Have a great weekend!


QS 😀



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A balancing act…

Posted in Air Supply, App, Games, iPad, iphone, Kindle, Mobile, News, retro on October 18th, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hello everyone, hope you’re well!


A quick update from Sheep towers!


Air Supply – Infinite is almost done, you’ll be glad to know (I hope!).


Feedback from those kind enough to test it has been excellent, and has helped fine tune and tweak the game into something better than it was before! 😀


One tester suggested different control methods, which are now in, and others identified issues which I’ve hopefully resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.


The real trick is making it easy enough to be welcoming to new players, but to give hardcore players a challenge too!


This weekend I’ll be collecting data from the testers to work out an average ‘time to unlock stuff’. This will help make the unlock system fair I hope!


Hearing feedback from testers is always helpful, and I’d like to thank them all!


THANK YOU ladies and gents!


As a point of interest, my usual routine when getting feedback is this:


1. Get feedback.

2. Think of a million reasons why it’s wrong/not relevant/silly.

3. Stay up all night thinking about it and cursing the tester.

4. Wake up the next day and realise they’re absolutely right!

5. Make the suggested changes.

6. Grumble (possibly).





There are still one or two bugs in the game I need to fix, and a nasty crashing issue which won’t go away.


The unlock system, information system, endings and Game Center stuff also need working on!


Thank you for your patience! It’s exciting to be almost done!


Have a great weekend!



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Progress Report! :)

Posted in Games, iphone, News, planets, retro, sci-fi, screenshots, space, stars on September 16th, 2013 by quantumsheep

So, back in July, I mentioned on Facebook that I had three main goals to accomplish by the end of the summer…


These were:


1. ZX Spectrum game!

2. Text adventure!

3. Air Supply on Android, Kindle, Mac, Win8

4. Something I’m very excited about but can’t tell you!



Well, number 4 turned out to be Air Supply – Infinite (ASI) – which I am beavering away on right now, hoping to finish before the end of the month. Maybe. Here’s a screenshot for you, showing off the improved scan lines:



Numbers 1 and 2 are still on, and I’m hoping to have another look at them once ASI is done. They really are just for fun though!


Looking out the window, it looks like Summer’s over 🙁


I’ve not quite managed to get any of my planned stuff done!


Oh no!


The real time-sink is testing. I’d estimate about 70% of my time goes on testing, the remaining 30% goes on actually making the games.


I’m sorry it’s taking so long. I’m absolutely terrified that there might be bugs in my games, and do my level best to eradicate them before they land in your perfectly manicured paws!


I won’t catch ’em all (there’s only so much one sheep can spot!) but I’ll be sending test copies of ASI out soon!


And then, soon after, you’ll be able to play it for yourselves! We’re talking a few short weeks here with any luck, as opposed to months and months of waiting!


Thanks for your patience!


QS 😀

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Posted in Game Salad, Games, News, Uncategorized, Unity on May 21st, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hello lovelies, long time no see!

So Unity for mobile dev is now free.

I’ve not been using Unity much as it happens, mainly because I wanted my games to be available to as many people as possible. Which means desktop and mobile publishing would be great.

Now it’s possible with Unity, which is a real coup in my book.

I’m glad I didn’t have the money to spend on a mobile license – imagine the poor devs that paid for it recently! Ouch!

But yes. Games development, in general, can be done on a very limited budget these days. There’s an abundance of tools available these days such as Unity, GameSalad, Xcode, GameMaker etc etc.

But more than the tool is the want, or need, to make something lovely. It’s what drives me on!

If you have an interest in games, I’d recommend trying to make one. It’s incredibly creative, and fantastically rewarding!

It’s also a lot of hard work! And a lot of fun!

Speak soon,

QS 😀

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Splinter of the mind’s eye

Posted in Adventure, Games, News on March 21st, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hello lovelies!

Just a small update on all things sheepy!

There’s a number of projects on the go at the moment.

My friend Jake is working on (and has been for a while) a little game called ‘Red Mist’. I have no idea when it’ll get finished, but it’s interesting and fun, and might be published through me. Yay!

Then I have a few adventure games in various states of completion. They’re very hard to do 🙁

On top of that I’ve been learning to use Unity as I wanted to do some 3D games too. It’s fun and stuff, and the results are pretty spectacular looking. I just have to learn how to use it better. Understand it better.

So I can make sheepy games with it!

Also, I’m trying to port games over to Windows 8, but don’t have a stable testing environment for it right now. Microsoft have been very helpful, but it’s just taking forever it seems.

The projects are pretty varied. You have the adventure games (plain text, choose your own adventure, Myst type etc), a first person shooter with no guns and a 3D on-rails shooters.

So you can see, I’m being pulled in several directions, and have been for a while now.

In some ways, it’s kinda nice and varied. If I hit a brick wall somewhere on one project, I can move onto another for a while pretty quickly and no time is wasted.

One day could be spent setting up movement paths and turrets in 3D, or learning how to edit C# scripts. Another might be spent just writing locations for an adventure game, or touching up some art.

But really I need to focus a bit more. And I am going to really try and do that!

Also, I just hit 600 followers on Twitter (@quantum_sheep) – thank you all, that’s really, really lovely! Sheepyhugs for all! 😀

Speak soon!

QS 😀

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Release (Attack of) the Kraken! :D

Posted in Amazon, App, App Store, Attack of the Kraken, FREE, iPad, iphone, ipod, Kindle, retro, sci-fi, shmup, Shooter, space, stars on January 31st, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hey all! Hope you’re well!

The assault on non-iOS devices continues with Attack of the Kraken for Kindle devices! 😀

Best of all it’s FREE – forever! No In-App-Purchases. No ads. Just a free game for you to (hopefully) enjoy!

The game will also be going free on iPhone from tomorrow (February 1st, 2012) so iPhone/iPad owners that haven’t tried it can have it for nothing too!

Working on the Android version, also free, which will be out soon with any luck!

Hope you like it! It was my first ‘proper’ iOS game, and while rather old (can I call it Retro?) it’s still quite fun I think!


QS 😀

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