
Posted in Game Salad, Games, News, Uncategorized, Unity on May 21st, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hello lovelies, long time no see!

So Unity for mobile dev is now free.

I’ve not been using Unity much as it happens, mainly because I wanted my games to be available to as many people as possible. Which means desktop and mobile publishing would be great.

Now it’s possible with Unity, which is a real coup in my book.

I’m glad I didn’t have the money to spend on a mobile license – imagine the poor devs that paid for it recently! Ouch!

But yes. Games development, in general, can be done on a very limited budget these days. There’s an abundance of tools available these days such as Unity, GameSalad, Xcode, GameMaker etc etc.

But more than the tool is the want, or need, to make something lovely. It’s what drives me on!

If you have an interest in games, I’d recommend trying to make one. It’s incredibly creative, and fantastically rewarding!

It’s also a lot of hard work! And a lot of fun!

Speak soon,

QS 😀

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Let me tell you a story…

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, Game Salad, Games, iphone, ipod, Music, News, planets, sci-fi, shmup, space, stars on March 7th, 2010 by quantumsheep

We took some time out and went to a talk at Tate Britain about Narrative in Videogames. It was pretty interesting, and involved such luminaries as Charles Cecil (of Broken Sword fame), and Dave Gibbons (of Watchmen notoriety!).

One interesting point was about audio, and how that’s so important to a game, and yet seems to be left till last.

I wondered what the makers of Guitar Hero, Rez, Vib Ribbon, Surf Rider et al think of that?

It’s also relevant to what we’re doing here at QS. While the basic shape of one of upcoming games is there, and it’s a classic, it’s the music that really shapes the experience.

It’s not a music game though!

We’ll leave you with that taster for now! More soon!

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