ProjectSOL is on the way…

Hello all! Hope you’re well!

I’ve been working on ProjectSOL for the last two years…

Obviously not all in one go! I started in August 2009, inspired by something I saw while on holiday and wanting to make a game so easy to play that even my mother could have a go on it!

It wasn’t till a year later, that my friend Penguin ( Yay! Penguin! 😀 ) decided on the art style. It’s quite lovely!

Unfortunately, Penguin was/is a very very busy man! So the project was worked on by me on and off between releases.

I’ve finally found an artist that can help me finish this game! I’m still playtesting it, getting the feel right, the scoring, the pace etc…

But now, I also have the rest of the graphics pretty much done. I’m just waiting on the hats!


ProjectSOL is a shooter of sorts. But it’s not like what you’re thinking right now!

Screenshots soon!


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