148apps.com reviews Sunshine! :D

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, Games, iPad, iphone, ipod, News, ProjectSOL, retro, Reviews, shmup, Shooter, space, stars, Sunshine on November 10th, 2011 by quantumsheep

So, the game is out today on iPhone and iPad, and you can find more details on it here!

I got a wonderful review of the iPad version from 148apps! It’s lovely!

You can read it here πŸ™‚

It’s so wonderful that the reviewer absolutely got what the aim of the game is – to make you smile like an idiot! πŸ˜€

I’ve always liked the site – our previous games scored 3 stars (Gravitrixx) and 3.5 stars (Air Supply) from them. They’re hard to please, but they’re fair!

But most importantly, they give someone like me the chance of a little exposure in the sea of Apps that are out there.

And for that, above all else, I’m always very grateful!

Hope you enjoy the review – it made me smile lots!


QS πŸ˜€

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Making bugs in the sun…

Posted in App, App Store, Apple, Games, iPad, iphone, ipod, Music, News, planets, ProjectSOL, retro, science, shmup, Shooter, space, stars, Sunshine on October 19th, 2011 by quantumsheep

Hello all, hope you’re well!

Just wanted to give a quick update on the status of “Sunshine – Here comes the Sun”.

The game has been with testers for over a week now, and I’m listening to all the feedback. Most of it has been very positive, which is lovely!

There are some bugs/niggles though which I’m trying to work through.

The feedback has been awesome though, and I’m excited to nearly be finished (again!).

Seems that when a game is 80% done, there’s always another 80% to go πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I’m working on it! Keep your eyes peeled for the Sun! πŸ˜€

In other news, I’ve finally decided what ‘ProjectCAP’ will be – as in what type of game. That’s a long way off of course, but I’m trying to source the music right now, while also keeping an eye on Air Supply: SOS.

So much to do. So little time!

QS πŸ˜€

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Here comes the Sun! :D

Posted in art, Games, iPad, iphone, ipod, Music, News, planets, ProjectSOL, shmup, Shooter, space, stars on October 8th, 2011 by quantumsheep


Good progress made is the good news coming out of Sheep Towers! The game is done – it works – you can play from start to finish.

I’ve implemented GameCenter leaderboards for each level, and put in the level progression. It’s all *touch wood* working!

I am having some sound issues, and there are about 100 small things that need tidying up. But it’ll be with the testers in the next day or so, just to give it the all clear.

Hopefully submitting by Thursday/Friday this week, for a release the week after.


Fingers crossed, eh?

Here’s another pic to keep you going!


QS πŸ˜€

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Sunshine – Here comes the Sun! :D (formerly ‘ProjectSOL’)

Posted in App, App Store, Games, iphone, News, ProjectSOL, science, screenshots, Shooter, Sunshine on September 9th, 2011 by quantumsheep

Hey everyone!

So, I got some art back from Damien who’s done a lovely job and managed to pretty much match what my friend Dan did art wise for ProjectSOL.

I’m now confident the game’ll get finished! And soon! Yay!

I didn’t want to announce the title – “Sunshine – Here comes the Sun” till I knew I’d be able to finish it!

No ‘proper’ screenshots yet, but here’s one of the title screen as it stands right now πŸ™‚

Cheers, and I’ll update with more details when I can!

QS πŸ˜€

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ProjectSOL is on the way…

Posted in Games, iphone, ipod, News, ProjectSOL, Shooter, stars on July 28th, 2011 by quantumsheep

Hello all! Hope you’re well!

I’ve been working on ProjectSOL for the last two years…

Obviously not all in one go! I started in August 2009, inspired by something I saw while on holiday and wanting to make a game so easy to play that even my mother could have a go on it!

It wasn’t till a year later, that my friend Penguin ( Yay! Penguin! πŸ˜€ ) decided on the art style. It’s quite lovely!

Unfortunately, Penguin was/is a very very busy man! So the project was worked on by me on and off between releases.

I’ve finally found an artist that can help me finish this game! I’m still playtesting it, getting the feel right, the scoring, the pace etc…

But now, I also have the rest of the graphics pretty much done. I’m just waiting on the hats!


ProjectSOL is a shooter of sorts. But it’s not like what you’re thinking right now!

Screenshots soon!


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