Air Supply 1.1 is out! Plus! Some videos :D
Posted in Air Supply, App, App Store, iphone, ipod, Music, New and Noteworthy, News, Reviews, sci-fi on March 17th, 2011 by quantumsheepHello everyone!
We’ve added some stuff to Air Supply! Details below:
*Added an extra unlockable character to the game!
*Added yet another awesome Mister Beep track, making seven (SEVEN!!!) in total!
*Added a volume save button for sound effects and music
*Added a little more love by fixing some minor bugs
We also got five stars from a video review of 1.1 here:
Air Supply review
I love that vid. I mainly feel bad about the guy’s broken screen, but I love that he seems to be enjoying himself regardless, and you can even hear him humming along to the music!
And there’s more actual gameplay footage here.
Air Supply gameplay
I’m busy working on 1.2 at the moment – hopefully done by the weekend!
Hope you’re all still enjoying the game! Lots more to come, Air Supply wise!