These ARE the droids you’re looking for!

Posted in Android, App Store, Games, Google Play, Gravitrixx, Mobile, News, retro on January 22nd, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hey all! Another update! Already!

I was up converting .Matrixx for the Kindle Fire when I realised I hadn’t signed up for the android store, otherwise known as ‘Google Play’.

The process only took about half an hour. And half an hour later, I had a version of Gravitrixx submitted!

You can find it here for Android.

Crazy stuff. It also takes just hours after submission to be published. So it’s available NOW!

I need a cup of tea. And some sleep I think…

Hope you Android users enjoy the game, and I’ll get busy bringing more to your format of choice!

QS 😀

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GO! :D

Posted in .Matrixx, Air Supply, Android, dot matrix, Games, Gravitrixx, iPad, Kindle, Mac, News, screenshots, Windows 8 on January 12th, 2013 by quantumsheep

Hello all, and a happy new year to you!

Had a productive start to the new year! Currently I’m still working on three projects, but have also been working on porting my current games to other platforms!

Below are Air Supply and Gravitrixx on a Kindle Fire:

.Matrixx is also looking a bit nice on the Kindle Fire too 🙂

Other versions I’m aiming for is Mac for Air Supply, and possibly iPad. Also trying to work out how to get stuff onto Windows 8 Devices!

Busy times ahead! Hopefully you’ll see the fruits of my labours over the last year soon!

Thanks for reading, and here’s to a fun filled 2013!


QS 😀

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