Where is the Sheep? :O

Posted in News on March 31st, 2016 by quantumsheep

Hello lovelies, hope you’re all doing well!

I haven’t updated the ‘News’ section of the site since June 2015 apparently – that’s almost a year!


The main reason is that I’ve been very busy learning and making stuff! Hurrah!

The other reason is that it’s just a lot quicker and easier to update stuff on Social Media

You can keep up with me on Twitter if you like – @quantum_sheep is where I live!

I also post things at least once a week on FaceBook.

So yes, stuff is happening, but you may be missing it if you’re not following me on Twitter/Facebook!

Sorry about that!

I’m working hard on a space based visual novel/adventure kind of game called ‘Gerty – Robots in Love’

Progress is slow but steady, and I hope to have more info to share on this site (as well as social media of course) soon!

Till then, rest easy! The sheep lives! He misses you! And he’ll see you soon!





